Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Abraham Hicks - Let your fabulous lover come to you

so note the conversation matches the words of witness and that is how she gets done cause 'its done its done its done' [go flow] it was not done 2 years later the chorus is 'oh i get myself tonight, oh i get myself tonight' its done its done its done well it never was done was it I will stick the song lyrics in the comment box for the police to witness how katy supported her mind control techniques with abraham hicks, they are both reading my mind as they give out their bull shit then 'distortion' the buzz word to the chorus of 'CTTR' by katy perry and there we move onto the slut being in my cat Mildred, 'love being in the room together' note 'she has created it' OMG what evil these witches can perform.

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